When Brian and I initially developed the idea of starting a blog together, I scoffed at the idea of starting one because I'm a reserved individual. My utter lack of respect for political correctness was another stumbling block. I'm also not the kind of person that wants to turn people the wrong way or have people misjudge me based on the content of the blog. After a while, I put aside all my reservations and here we are. With that said, I want to start this off by talking about what brings everybody here: ANCIENT EGYPT. The real name of the country is KEMET which translates to LAND OF BLACKS.
I brought up the word KEMET because I want everybody to understand it's significance and importance. KEMET is the word that was used to describe the inhabitants of country, not the soil as some"scholars"(scholastic racists as I like to call them) have said. Kemet(KMT) had a few different capitals. Hwt-ka-Ptah(Saqqara), Waset(Luxor) and holy places like Abedju(Abydos) and Iunet(Dendera). The names sound extremely African, especially Abedju(sounds like Abuja in Nigeria).
I'm citing different cities on this map to show you the African etymology of Ancient Kemet. Forget the geography for a second, you can observe the names of the cities or provinces and see that the etymology of the Egyptian language was wholly African. So when I see Ancient Egyptians being depicted as anything other than black, that troubles me. When I open a book and I see the original African name being substituted for a Greek one, that bothers me.
You can chip the paint off artifacts, you can deface the images, and you can even designate settlers as the descendants of the ancients but you CANNOT steal the roots of Kemet(Egypt).
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